

16. MAI

16. MAI

We look forward to welcoming you to the opening of our special exhibition AMMONITE MASTERPIECES on 16 May 2024 at the Dinosaur Museum Altmühltal, Dinopark 1, 85095 Denkendorf.

We love dinosaurs – but that‘s not all! While the previous stars of the Dinosaur Museum dominated the land, the world‘s oceans were populated by an almost unimaginable abundance of ammonites.

After years of research, we have succeeded in bringing together over 120 of the world‘s most beautiful specimens. On the opening night, we will also be introducing AMMONITE MASTERPIECES, a large-format, 400-page book, which showcases the fascination and beauty of this famous group of fossils.

17.00 | Welcome
Raimund Albersdörfer and Michael Völker (Founders of the Dinosaurier Museum Altmühltal)

Professor Dr. Gert Wörheide (Director of the Bavarian State Collection für Palaeontology and Geology Munich)

17.30 | “Ammoniten – Juwelen der Erdgeschichte”
Professor (em.) Dr. Helmut Keupp (Free University of Berlin)

Flying Dinner

Afterwards | “Ammonite Anatomy”
Professor Dr. Christian Klug (University Zurich)

Refreshments and cocktails will be served at our cocktail bar

Museum founder Raimund Albersdörfer will be available for media representatives. Professor (em.) Dr. Helmut Keupp and Professor Dr. Christian Klug will be available for brief interviews with media representatives.